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St. Mary's Catholic Church, Vacaville, CA - Traditional Latin Mass_ Info Page

St. Mary's Traditional Latin Mass
(Diocesan Indult- USUS ANTIQUIOR)

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About this Blogspot:

This blogspot contains information on the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Vacaville, CA.  The blog is maintained by parishioners of St. Mary's Latin Mass, a laity managed site.  The blog offers ways to enrich your spiritual life and supporting the TLM at St. Mary's.  **Neither this blog nor related website maintained by ALMS should be construed as an official parish communications platform (***see disclaimer at end of this blog).

In addition, we provide links supporting the Traditional Latin Mass, prayers (Divine Office) and vocations e.g. Marian Franciscans Minor Third Order (MFM-TO).  

For more information about the Traditional Latin Mass at St. Mary's in Vacaville, please visit our main website at   or more information is contained below at Sections V. thru VI.

TABLE OF CONTENTS: (we apologize that we are currently working on the links to the appropriate sections from the "Numerical Headings" to their sections, meanwhile please refer to roman numerals to find the appropriate sections below).

i.  General Announcements   *more about General Announcements

ii.  TLM Finders   *go to TLM finders

iii.  Traditional Latin Mass Support Groups: Resources and Catholic News   *more on Resources and Catholic News

iv.   Parish Projects at St. Mary's; Liturgical Calendars; Devotions (Good or Bad?)   *more about parish projects, calendars, devotions

v.  The "Liturgical Season"   *more about Liturgical Season

vi.  Why the Traditional Latin Mass?   *go to TLM           

vii.  Vocations: MFM-TO  *go to Vocations: MFM-TO

viii.  The Pope; Catholic Teaching: Papal Statements and Documents; Question of Obedience; "the Jewish Question"   *more about Catholic Teaching: papal docs, obedience, and Jewish Question           

ix.   Books (and prayers: Traditional Divine Office)  *go to books, divine office and prayers

x.   St. Mary's TLM Men's Group Information   *go to TLM Men's Group

xi.  St. Mary's TLM Book Club (our meeting reading material)   *more on TLM Book Club

xii.   Miscellaneous   *go to Miscellaneous

xiii.   Join Us>>>>SUBSCRIBE  (at St. Mary's TLM - Vacaville, CA - Subscribe (   *go to SUBSCRIBE

 Location: St. Mary's Catholic Church, 330 Stinson Avenue, Vacaville, CA 95688 

 Directions to St. Mary's in the City of Vacaville, CA: from Highway 80, Davis Street turnoff:

Mass Schedule: Low Mass Sundays at 2pm

Pastor: Fr. Brian Soliven             

High Mass Schedule: Missa-Cantata (Sung Mass): 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month, with Potluck fellowship after Mass in Parish Hall.  New parishioners and Choir singer's welcome: sign-ups, ask for Cindy M. after Mass.

Downloadable copy of this Sunday's Propers:  Propers for Sunday

also available here: St. Mary's TLM - Vacaville, CA - Today's Propers (


I.   General Announcements (Liturgical Season 2024):



a) St. Joan of Arc, Yountville, CA  (Diocesan Latin Mass) St Joan Of Arc Catholic Church Mass Times - Yountville, California (

b) St. Margaret Mary, Oakland, CA (Institute of Christ the King, ICKSP) uses the "ANCIENT LITURGY" during Easter.   Bulletins (

c) St. Stephens, the First Martyr, Sacramento (Fraternity of St. Peter and St. Paul aka "Fraternitas Sacerdotalis Sancti Petri" (St. Stephens - Mass Times


More on the subject...Solemnity, Feast, or Memorial? How to Tell the Difference - Epic Pew

The "Liturgical Season": (Traditional Calendar:



Article on ... When Does Christmas Actually End?

Eastertide Season 2024

Ambrosian Music for Eastertide

-upcoming Sunday:
Sixth Sunday after Pentacost, 2nd Class, Green, 1st Vespers-Precious Blood
-upcoming Feast Day: Nativity of St. John the Baptist on 6/24; 1st Class- White

Adoration at St. Mary's Vacaville, CA: Monday through Friday 3-6:15pm

Confession/Reconciliation at St. Mary's Vacaville, CA: Tuesday 5:30-6:15pm; Saturday 3:30-4:45pm or by appt. 707-448-2390 

II.   TLM Finders 

-Nearby Masses - (located in the greater Sacramento, SF Bay Area & East Bay)


-St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church | Yountville CA | Facebook

Institute of Christ The King Sovereign Priest | St Margaret Mary (

-Latin Mass Near Me — Mass of the Ages

-Latin Mass Directory – A Catholic directory of approved traditional Latin Masses

-Discover Mass | Bulletins, Directions, and More

-Arlington Latin Mass Society - About ( | Traditional Latin Mass (TLM)  

-Reverent Catholic Mass 

III.   Traditional Latin Mass Support Groups: Resources and Catholic News

-New Liturgical Movement

-Rorate Caeli Blog

-Ecclesia Dei:  Coalition Ecclesia Dei

- a great group focused on the preservation of the Latin Mass

-The Latin Mass Magazine: The Journal of Catholic Culture and Tradition - Welcome!

-Traditional Catholic Audio Producer | Keep the Faith

-Vestments | Via Providence | Liturgical

-Nuns and Religious Professions ~ Liturgical Arts Journal

-New Liturgical Movement: Announcing a New Traditional Women's Religious Order: Filiae Laboris Mariae

Una Voce America

-Church Councils, Document Directory and Pope Directory: Papal Encyclicals Online


CATHOLIC NEWS: Tradition-focused news and journalism (we are not sedevacantist).

--Rorate Caeli Blog

-One Peter Five: 1 Peter 5 (Timothy Flanders)

-Crisis Magazine: Crisis Magazine (Eric Sammons)

-The Meaning of Catholic: The Meaning of Catholic (Tim Flanders)

-The Remnant Newspaper:  The Remnant (Michael Matt)

-Catholic Family NEWS

Urbi et Orbi Communications (Dr. Moynihan & Fr. Murr)

-The Catholic Telegraph: The Catholic Telegraph (Diocese of Cincinnati, Ohio)

COMMENTARY on Latest Catholic News:

-Dec 31, 2024: Blog from John-Henry Westen...on Bishop Rene Henri Gracida

9/07/24: Defending the Traditional Mass with Just Arguments -- Theological and Legal, by Fr. Claude Barthe    Defending the Traditional Mass with Just Arguments

Should the Pope ban the Latin Mass? (Brian Holdsworth)Should the Pope Ban the Latin


Latest with Catholic Family News: Catholic Family News


Remnant News: Remnant Newspaper


6/26/2024: (rorate-caeli.blogspot) Accept or Reject the New Mass?


Our Pope gets backlash from Belgian University after a discussion about the role of women....The Pope at Belgian University 9/30/2024


Persecution goes back in History...

Traditional Catholics open locked doors of church with battering ram so they can have Latin Mass in France, 1987. For context, this Church was bricked up by the local ordinary to prevent the SSPX priest from saying the Vetus Ordo for the glory of God. All this while hundreds sing "Christus Vincit, Christus regnat, Christus imperat".  Traditional Catholics in France 1987  

-So how did "Decrevi Determined" know about "state of things" back in February '24?  All ecclesia Dei communities will be obligated to follow 57.1. of Sacrosanctum Concilium? (02/18/2024)


The Catholic Vote:

-The latest national election on Nov. 5, 2024 proved to be a mandate for Donald Trump.  Catholics must keep their Catholic Teachings in play and continue the fight against Abortion!  Period! 

**Note: (Hold Harmless Statement): Please note that the management of this blog do not hold a position on any of the commentary herein, which is sourced from the Internet "At Large", but rather offer it as public information available in the public domain, thus leaving the opinions and positions to the reader at their discretion.   



-Sacred Music | St. Vitus - FSSP LA

-The History of the Graduale Romanum by Fr. Cassian Folsom

-The Beauty of the Sung Mass by Dr. William Mahrt



-Traditional Catechism

Tradivox (Bishop Athanasius Schneider)

the Douay Catechism of 1649 (by Henry Tuberville, D.D.)

Fatima: The Complete Catholic Handbook for the Latter Days (Penny Catechism by Burns and Oates 1921)

-not so traditional 2005 version Compendium of JPII 1992 version (updated by Ratzinger in 2005)

-an amazing collection of traditional writings on the Saints and Traditional Catholic Books and prayers: Traditional Catholic (Veritate Ambulare) 

IV.   St. Mary's Latin ChoirLiturgical Calendars; Devotions (Good or Bad?)

-St. Mary's Latin Choir: soprano, alto, tenor and bass voices needed.  Choir practice "every Sunday of a "MISSA CANTATA aka Sung Latin Mass" at 12:00 Noon at Parish Hall, Room 7....all ages and all experience levels welcome. Our focus is Latin chant and polyphonic Catholic hymns appropriate for the traditional sung Missa-Cantata Latin Mass. 

-Gregorian Chant resources:The Gregorio project

-Chant Info and hymns for Chorus Members:  -chantblog

-Git Hub for "whole liturgical year" (mostly Vespers) resources: Git Hub chant resources

-St. Mary's Bible Study: during Lent to Holy Week....every TUESDAY Evening 7-8pm covering the Sorrowful Mysteries.

-Projects: Special Feast Days; Processional/Liturgical Canopy; vestments and sacramentals. Donations welcome. 

-Traditional Liturgical Calendars:

-Tridentine Catholic Calendar

-Here are several great Traditional Liturgical Calendars: (FSSP) or Seraphim Liturgical Calendar or 

"Online" Traditional Liturgical Calendar following Rubrics of Pope St. Pius X (pre-1951)

for comparison purposes:  Novus Ordo Calendar

-PLEASE AVOID:  "THE DIVINE WILL" DEVOTION:  "Against" by Fr. Mawdsley, Tim Staples and Fr. Staples.  "For": Dr. O'Connor.  "Not Sure": Fr. Chris Alar


-Video #1: NOT FOR CHILDREN. The "Divine Will" devotion is repulsive, from the ultimate spiritual predator.

-Video #2:  DEEPLY DISTURBED: Indefensible errors in the 'Divine Will' writings.

-Video #3: What lies behind every deception? How can we tell what comes from hell? The "DW" gives a case study.

-Tim Staples, Part I: Tim Staples of Catholic Answers on "The Kingdom of The Divine Will" devotion

Part II: Tim Staples on The Divine Will: Part II


-Rebuttal by Daniel O'Connor: The Divine Will: Is it Legitimate? Explaining the Faith with Fr. Chris Alar

-Fr. Iannuzzi responds to Fr. Alar's Irresponsible Comments

**In Summary and my personal opinion: It is not recommended 🚯. There are many reasons in my mind why The Divine Will is problematic.  But since the Church has taught that "Private Revelation is not necessary for Sanctification....I will leave it as that. And let the Church eventually decide. 

V.   The Liturgical Season

-Extra Ordinary Time (Tridentine Mass of the Ages): Tridentine Catholic Calendar

-Ordinary Time (Novus Ordo): Liturgical Year Calendar

-The Liturgical Year by Dom Gueranger, Abbot of Solesmes

The Liturgical Year (by Dom Gueranger)

VI.   Vocations: MFM-TO (Marian Friars Minor - Third Order in Vacaville, California

 A Higher Calling? click here What is Religious Vocation?

In the Catholic Church, a "religious order" is a community of consecrated life with members that profess solemn vows. They are classed as a type of religious institute. Subcategories of religious orders are: canons regular (canons and canonesses regular who recite the Divine Office and serve a church and … See more

What is a Franciscan Charism? The Franciscans: A Closer Look at Their Charism ( ; THE FRANCISCAN CHARISM (

Third Order | Marian Friars Minor

-Franciscan-related Encyclicals: Sacra Propediem by Pope Benedict XV in 1921; 

Rite Expiatis on St. Francis of Assisi by Pope Pius XI

Auspicato Concessum by Pope Leo XIII on St. Francis of Assisi

- How do we insure our Salvation? Are you going to heaven? 

Recommended Franciscan books: Franciscan Perfection by Rev. Cesaire de Tours, OFM Cap.; St. Francis Manual by Rev. Clementine Deymann, OFM; St. Francis of Assisi by Johannes Jorgensen; Francis of Assisi- The Essential Writings In His Own Words translated by Jon M. Sweeney.

-other Franciscan Third Orders:

-Story of the Franciscan of the Immaculate by Fr. Paolo M. Siano, Corrispondenza Romana: Franciscans of the Immaculate (FFI) by rorate-caeli.blogspot

-Story of Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate by rorate-caeil: Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate


-Need a place for a Retreat? Consider the beautiful Slavic-Catholic tradition.  Find out more about "Holy Transfiguration Monastery" which has a retreat-house in Northern California.    Holy Transfiguration Monastery (Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church)

About Us | Monks of Mt. Tabor (

Ukrainian Greco-Catholic Church, June 13, 2024: Pictures from Byzantine Priestly Ordination and First Divine Liturgy Ukrainian Catholics in Nor Cal.  Ukrainian Catholics at Byzantine Priestly Ordination and First Divine Liturgy 

The Priestly Ordination of Fr. Philip Gilbert at Holy Transfiguration Monastery (Monks of Mt. Tabor) celebrated by His Grace, Bishop Venedykt (Aleksiychuk)  Ukrainian Catholic Ordination and Holy Mass


- What will Tertiaries observe? Ans. They "will observe--each according to his state of life--the rule of moderation."  The golden mean should be everywhere observed.  

-What is the most obvious thing that corrupts the lives of children and adults which gives them a ticket to being "of the world"?  Ans. A smart phone.  Therefore, use of smart phones are forbidden except if required for work. Because their detrimental effect on men and women of all ages cannot be ignored, we prohibit their use for anything outside of such necessary circumstances.  Here are ways to ditch your phone for several basic phone alternatives:  

Ditch your iphone for a dumb phone

Youtube on how to dumb down you smart phone

the Light Phone

the Gabb Phone

the Sunbeam phone


VII.   Why the Traditional Latin Mass? 

a. -the Traditional Latin Mass? (Fr. James Mawdsley) Short vid on TLM

b. -do your beliefs “convict your conscience”? (Fr. David Nix) Proof of Traditional Catholicism

c. -Traditional Catholicism in 2024 by Crisis Magazine: Traditional Catholicism in 2024

d. -the "3rd movie in the series" on the history of the Traditional Latin Mass: Mass of the Ages: Guardians of Tradition


Web document: How to easily grasp Latin Mass step-by-step guide

Web document: The Holy Mass

Video: 10 difference between Latin Mass and Novus Ordo by Dr. Taylor Marshall


-Restore the Ancient Liturgy: Restore the 54...

-The Reform of 1955-2005: The Reform of 1955 according to the Reformers

VIII.   The Pope; Catholic Teaching: Papal Statements and Documents; Question of Obedience; "the Jewish Question"


-Who will be the next Pope? Where do the new Cardinals stand?


Vatican documents_Encyclicals

-Dec. 25, 2023 African Bishop Powerful Homily Denouncing "Fiducia Supplicans"

--Dec 18, 2023: Will the Church now bless same-sex Couples? by the Catholic Thing with Fr. Gerald Murray, Pastor in Manhattan, NY and Canon Lawyer

-Dec. 25, 2023: More Bishops Condemn Francis's Evil Blessings Decree (Anthony Stine, Return to Tradition)

-Dec. 2022 "The Priestly Impasse: When Obedience Becomes a Sin" (Michael Matt with Fr. James Mawdsley)      or the entire talk...THE PRIESTLY IMPASSE: When Obedience Becomes a Sin (Remnant-TV) - Remnant TV

-Fr. JM's printable Good Friday Prayer-Card:  Fr JM's Good Friday Prayer Card (Pre-55 liturgy)


PASCENDI DOMINICI GREGIS, 1907: On the Doctrine of Modernism  on Modernism (Pascendi Dominici Gregis, Pope Pius X, 1907)

-Commentary: Pascendi Domenici Gregis ( PascendiSummaries.pdf

-More Commentary: Pascendi Domenici Gregis by Resounding the Faith; what-did-st-pius-x-mean-when-he-called-modernism-the-synthesis-of-all-heresies?

-SUMMORUM PONTIFICUM (Motu Proprio by Pope Benedict XVI, 07/07/2007

-DESIDERIO DESIDERAVI (Apostolic Letter by Pope Francis, 29 June 2022) just prior to Traditiones Custodes

- UNITATIS REDINTEGRATIO unitatis-redintegratio_en.html On "Ecumenism"

-TRADITIONES CUSTODES (Motu Proprio by Pope Francis, on 16 July, 2021  which essentially reversed Summorum Pontificum

Other comments on the Papacy: 

-20240502: MAJOR STATEMENT posted on Rorate Caeli Blog: Statement on Pope Francis 5-2-24.pdf - Google Drive

Discussion of the document by Anthony Stine: BREAKING: Catholic Scholars And Priests DEMAND Francis RESIGN THE PAPACY For Heresy 

-A review of the book True Obedience after Summorum Pontificum (by Peter Kwasnewski) reviewed by Fr. J. Mawdsley WATCH: Review by Fr. James Mawdsley – True Obedience


-The Jewish Question: (Meaning of Catholic Timothy Flanders interviews Fr James Mawdsley) The Jewish Question Land Mines

-More on Pre-55 Holy Week by Marian Friars Minor: They severed the Root: Do you need permission for the Pre-55? and talk by Dr. Peter Kwasniewski What we lost in 1948 to 1962 and why we should recover it Today; full conference: Full Holy Week Conference; and finally on Holy Week: Studies on Holy Week


-Heresy, Schism and Apostasy: Definitions

-Catholic Answers definition and outline: Heresy (by Catholic Answers)

-Nick Cavazos, the Traditional Thomist Pope St Pius X Predicted the Crisis in the Church (Pascendi Dominici Gregis)

-6/25/2024: Most comprehensive discussion on Vigano and the Latin Mass to date by Dr. Moynihan and Matt Gaspars.  History of V2, Lefebvre, 1988 Summorum Pontificum, and the reversal by Pope Francis through assistance by Cardinal's Roche and Cupich resulting in  Apostolic Letter Desiderio desideravi DESIDERIO DESIDERAVI (Apostolic Letter by Pope Francis, 29 June 2022)  > Vigano and the Latin Mass

-Is Vigano a sedevacantist?


Indulgences: Taking Advantage of God's Mercy (New Liturgical Mvmt 4/21/2023)


IX.   Books (and prayers: Traditional Divine Office)

-2021 book: "True Obedience in the Church": by Peter Kwasniewski

-"Essential Latin Vocabulary" by Mark A.E. Williams ....on 1,425 most common words occuring in actual writings of over 200 Latin authors. :-)  Yes, you guessed it, I love Latin!! "LIBERA NOS QUAESAMUS DOMINE" 🙏🙏🙏


Divinum Officium (Divine Office)

-Latin Mass Victoria The Shorter Little Office of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

-Aeternae rerum conditor:

Breviary Hymns from the Liturgy of the Hours, The Divine Office of the Catholic Church

-Divinum Officium webpage

X.   St. Mary's TLM Men's Group Information

- meets every TUESDAYS at 10-12 am at Journey's- 5350 One Lake Drive, Fairfield, CA. Directions to Journey-One Lake

(note: Agenda stays the same, the Minutes aka Next Steps will be posted on Signal and discussed the next day at the meeting

Agenda & Minutes 20240409_protected


Do you live in Solano/Napa/Yolo County area and want to join a Men's Group steeped in the Catholic Faith or maybe you want to know more about the Third Order of St. Francis of Assisi?  A few of our men are discerning becoming MFM aka Marian Friars Minor. But is certainly not a requirement.  Contact us at the TLM Men's Group (email: or just show up to our Meeting on Tuesdays.   

Current project: "The Catechism of Pope Pius X"; also Catechism Lessons from Our Lady of the Rosary Library



Q. What does the Church say about "Anointing of the Sick"? It is not a Sacrament well taught to the laity as it is typically administered by the Catholic Priest. However, here are some important data on the subject....

The Sacrament of Extreme Unction

Q. What is the "Apostolic Pardon"?  It forgives temporal punishment due to sins (not the sins themselves), for anything for which we have not done adequate penance in this life.  It is often given after the conferral of the Sacrament of Penance, the Anointing of the Sick and Viaticum.  

Q. But what if a Priest is not available for a Dying person, can they still receive an "Apostolic Pardon"?  Yes or No?   

A. Patrick Madrid says the pardon must be done by a priest...Here's what you should know about the Apostolic Pardon for the Dying 

A. CNA says Reception of Sacraments by a Person in Danger of Death

A. *** says "Yes", if no priest is available through "articulo mortis"...What is The Apostolic Pardon by Msgr Charles Pope

Q. What does the Church say about "Penance"?  The Sacrament of Penance (Confession)

XI.   TLM Book Club (meeting reading material) (book recommendations are covered at our Wednesdays TLM-Men's Group Coffee         Socials  map to Journey One Lake 

1.  If You Believed Moses (Vol 1): The Conversion of the Jews Promised in the Old Testament (New Old) - Kindle edition by Mawdsley, Fr James. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @ 

2. The Cross and the Beatitudes: by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

3. What to Do When Jesus is Hungry: by Fr. Andrew Apostoli, CFR

4. The Way of Salvation and of Perfection: by St. Alphonsus Liguouri 

5. Murder in the 33rd Degree (the Gagnon Investigation into Vatican Free-Masonry): by Fr. Charles Theodore Murr

6. Does Traditionis Custodes Pass the Juridical Rationality Test?: by Fr. Reginald-Marie Rivoire, FSVF

7: Liberalism is a Sin: by Fr. Felix Sarda Y Salvany 

8. The Life of St. Bonaventure of Bagnoregio

9. On Perfection of Life: by St. Bonaventure

10. Franciscan Perfection: by Rev. Cesaire de Tours, OFM Cap.

11. The Spiritual Life, A Treatise on Ascetical and Mystical Theology: by Rev. Adolphe Tanquerey 


-Pilgrimage to Sicily with Dr. Kwasniewski (Feb. 3-15, 2025) 13 day Regina Baroque Pilgrimage to Sicily  

-Ask a Canon Lawyer, Kelly E. O'Donnell, JCD is a Canonical Consultant Canonical Consultant

A presentation by Ms. O'Donnell (Video):  Canon Law and its Intersection with Secular Law

-Harrison Butker's Commencement Speech: Harrison Butker | Commencement Address 2024 | Benedictine College

-Backlash on his speech.... the View's slams Chief's kicker, Harrison Butker's speech

and...Inside Edition says Harrison Butker's backlash on Commencement Speech

-Latin fun in translation:


...articles by New Liturgical Movement can be found here... postulate...New Liturgical Movement: Announcing a New Traditional Women's Religious Order: Filiae Laboris Mariae 


Is Mary as Co-Redemptrix, a dogma?  Or has this terminology fallen off the radar of liturgical time?

MARY AS CO-REDEMPTRIX: here is an excellent article on the topic Mary is Co-Redemptrix from Traditional Catechism.  Note: it is a contentious topic as modernist Catholics seem to have lost this important "deposit of faith" teaching.

-My opinion...Yes, I believe that Mother Mary is the Co-Redemptrix...but that the word co-redemptrix needs defining as Mary is in "co-operation" uniquely with our Redeemer, Jesus Christ.  An excerpt from Catholic Answers: But the word “co,” or the prefix “co-” in English can imply equality, and so that’s why it sounds that way. The prefix “co-” comes from the Latin preposition cum, and cum does not necessarily mean “equal.” It can just mean “with,” and that’s the sense that’s in play when Mary is under discussion with respect to the Redeemer. So she’s not equal to Jesus, but she is a woman who cooperates with the Redeemer. She cooperates with God’s plan and her son’s role in it.

Another opinion from Jimmy Akins: Is Mary Co-Redemptrix? Does the Church teach Mary as Co-Redemptrix  or Fr. Chris Alar's Mary: Mother of God, Co-Redemptrix, Co-Mediatrix? discusses the meaning of the prefix "co-" as meaning "equal" or "with". But the word "co-" derives from "cum" in Latin and means "with, together or supporting".  Protestants like to claim that we mean "equal".  There is a reason that Catholic's use Latin as the language of the Church.  If you mean "with", then definitely yes...that is exactly what we mean by "Co-Redemptrix.  Mary gets us to Jesus, who is the real "Redemptor".  The same thing applies to "Co-Mediatrix"....☝👍😇


Is Hell real?  I know that I believe in the fire and brimstone hell, but it could come in different forms....7 teachings on Hell by St. Thomas Aquinas (Msgr Charles Pope),

...or how about a Wall Street Journal version: Opinion: What we think about Hell (wsj)

-Fr. William J. Cogan (last of the Traditional Jesuit priests, Requiscat in pace, July 8, 2016 at 91 years of age): Lesson 11: Hell (Fr. William J. Cogan, 1958)


Devotions: Holy Face of Jesus -Author Interview: The Secret of the Holy Face with Fr. Lawrence Carney 

-St. Martin of Tours (Father of St. Therese of Lisieux) the Martinians

The Teresian Way: The Teresian Way : Discalced Carmelite Nuns of Sacramento (


XIII.   Join Us>>>>"SUBSCRIBE" click here: St. Mary's TLM - Vacaville, CA receive more information about us on a regular basis, SUBSCRIBE for free to get all information about the Mass of the Ages, local news at St. Mary's Latin Mass community, the TLM Men's Group, and the Franciscan Third Order. 

-Laudetur Iesus Christus  🙏🙏🙏 

...The End for now :-) --May God Bless you on your Catholic Faith Journey, and constantly praising Our Lord Jesus Christ, forever and ever. 🙏+++


***Disclaimer: The views expressed on this blog are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the teachings of the Catholic Church. While we strive to provide accurate and faithful information regarding Catholic teachings and beliefs, this blog is not an official source of Church doctrine or dogma. Readers are encouraged to consult the Catechism of the Catholic Church or speak with a qualified clergy member for official teachings of the Catholic faith. The information provided here is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice.


-Laudetur Iesus Christus  🙏🙏🙏 ...More Discussions on Grok: I know it's AI, but note that the questions are sourced here.  How reliable is the information? Make your own determination, click here...How reliable is Grok 2?

Why did Pope Francis suppress the Latin Mass?  Grok discussions

What are the Eastern Catholic Rites: Catholic Eastern Rites